MRBA Member Info and Membership Applications

Become a Member JOIN TODAY


More than 150 road and bridge contractors, affiliates and suppliers have discovered the benefits of membership in the Mississippi Road Builders Association. MRBA is dedicated to serving the specific needs of businesses involved in Mississippi's surface transportation industry. Our organization serves contractors, suppliers, and other affiliated firms. MRBA is our industry's voice for communicating with state leaders, regulatory agencies, citizen groups and other audiences. MRBA takes an active role in the legislative process on behalf of our members, and we take specific positions on legislative bills which can impact our industry and the safety and reliability of Mississippi's roads and bridges. Our work centers on providing support and service to our members, and we urge you to consider membership in MRBA.


Membership Applications Fill out the appropriate form below (provided in PDF format) and mail with your check to the provided address.


Contractor Application


Associate Member Application

MRBA By-Laws


Select Completed Application File



Mississippi Road Builders Association
601 George Street
Jackson, Mississippi 39202

601-948-8825 Phone
601-948-8829 Fax



Membership Benefits

Mississippi Road Builders Association serves its members by providing representation, a proactive voice, and responsiveness to industry issues and legislation affecting our industry and the future of Mississippi's roads and bridges. Our staff is dedicated to sponsoring events and distributing important industry-related information to MRBA members. With membership in MRBA, your company will receive a number of benefits, including:


Government Liaison - MRBA has a strong voice when speaking to state legislators and officials, backed by its full membership of Mississippi road and bridge contractors, suppliers and affiliated companies. MRBA has a registered lobbyist who monitors legislation, takes proactive positions on bills, and provides key information to educate lawmakers on issues of importance to our state's road and bridge system. MRBA also works with Mississippi Department of Transportation as well as other state and federal agencies to keep them informed of the concerns of our membership.


Political Action Committee - MRBA supports Mississippi legislative candidates who recognize the importance of a progressive transportation program to facilitate business and industry growth in our state.


Unit Price Bid Tabulations - Upon award of contracts, the MRBA provides a complete breakdown of all bidders' unit prices for each project.


Specification Changes - The MRBA works with its members and other groups when problems and changes arise in any construction specifications set forth by state and federal highway department regulations. You'll be able to stay abreast of any changes that may affect your bid.


Mailing Service - Provides MRBA members with bid advertisements and other pertinent information on a weekly basis. Includes information on projects from State Highway Department and State Aid Division.

Arbitration - MRBA was instrumental in the passage of legislation establishing the State Highway Arbitration Board.


Annual MRBA Convention - Held annually, the MRBA convention provides education and social programs, along with important updates from MDOT and/or other agencies regarding issues related to road and bridge building in Mississippi.


Membership in ARTBA - As a member of MRBA, you are represented by the American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), the national voice of the road building industry.


Monthly Associates Reception - Held each Monday night prior to the MDOT Highway letting.


Educational Programs - Includes informational meetings with MDOT, Governor, DEQ, EPA, and other key organizations and individuals on a wide range of topics.


Plan Room - The MRBA office has plans and proposals on highway jobs available for members to review and use, including access to a large copier for duplicating plan sheets.


                                                                        Join the MRBA Today!